Sibling Support: The Bond Between PHLY & CAF
Written by Philadelphia Insurance Companies Director of Corporate Communications Bill Procopio
Philadelphia Insurance Companies (TEAMPHLY) and CAF are so closely related that we could be siblings.
TEAMPHLY is committed to health and wellness for a greater purpose. Our employees passionately give back to others through events and organizations that help people enjoy an active lifestyle. The Challenged Athletes Foundation helps people maintain an active lifestyle through physical fitness and competitive athletics. It’s this bond that first helped unite TEAMPHLY and Team CAF.
Since our first inspiring encounter with CAF more than a decade ago, PHLY has supported CAF at the annual Celebration of Heroes gala, the Pacific Coast Triathlon, and Aspen Medical Products San Diego Triathlon Challenge. Our employees volunteer, race, and participate in the Tour de Cove each year. We’re honored to sponsor the Kids Fun Run at SDTC and help make it part of the #BestDayInTri!
We have also been fortunate to host many world class CAF athletes in our hometown for the Philadelphia Insurance Triathlon. Bob Babbitt and staff joined CAF athletes in our office for talks and clinics. TEAMPHLY met and raced in relays with Willie Stewart, Sarah Reinertsen, Scout Bassett and other CAF athletes. Our employees have also sweated in spin-a-thon fundraisers for CAF and awarded grants to local athletes in our company gym.
As one of the leading insurers of nonprofit organizations, Philadelphia Insurance Companies is committed to serving the communities in which we live and work and we’re proud to strengthen our partnerships each year. In the community, TEAMPHLY continues its long-standing tradition of giving back through partnerships with charitable organizations, causes, and events. If we’re cleaning up a nature trail, we want to clean it the best. When we’re collecting items for a charity, we want to collect the most. If we’re walking or running in a 5k, TEAMPHLY likes to compete by raising money and racing to the finish line. High-fiving our CAF brothers and sisters when we get there, makes it even better!