Katie Eddington_feature

Challenge: Above Knee Amputee

Sports: Track and Field


Katie is a joyful nine-year-old girl from Georgetown, Kentucky. She is in third grade and does everything the other kids in her class do. Recently, she was given a homework assignment that asked her to share her future dreams. Her answer: “I would like to participate in the Paralympics one day.”

On October 13, 2013, Katie was in an accident involving a lawn mower that severely injured her leg. Limb salvage was attempted, but ultimately – after 22 surgeries – Katie decided to amputate her leg above the knee. Katie has a knee disarticulation and received her first prosthetic in January 2016. Shortly after, in May of 2016, she received her first CAF grant for a running blade prosthetic leg. Amazingly, just six months after her amputation, she started running. She completed her first 5K in August of 2016 and has since completed eleven 5ks. Katie has also played basketball for the last two seasons. It is hard to believe that she has been an amputee for less than five years, and already, thanks to CAF and her strong spirit, her dreams are becoming closer to a reality.

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