CAF Athlete Safety

As of June 15, 2020 the Challenged Athlete Foundation staff has completed the SafeSport ™ Trained Core Course.


Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) is committed to the safety and well-being of all athletes who take part in CAF programs, activities, and events. To support this commitment, CAF’s Athlete Safety Policy has been created to ensure that we are compliant with the current standards on this subject established by the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (“USOPC”) through the U.S. Center for SafeSport, by helping to maintain an environment free of emotional, physical and/or sexual misconduct and abuse, and ensuring effective and prompt action upon CAF receiving notice of any alleged violations of this Policy.

CAF coach and shot put athlete talking


CAF Policy Documents and Reporting Tool


Click the buttons below to access CAF Athlete Safety Policy documents or to report a suspected violation of the policy. Cases involving sexual abuse and molestation must be reported to law enforcement authorities- notifying and making a report to the Challenged Athletes Foundation does not satisfy this obligation. This form reports misconduct to CAF so that it can be investigated further.

Athlete Safety Reporting Form button