Service: Staff Sergeant, United States Marine Corps (ret.)

Challenge: Brachial Plexus Injury (BPI) Hand paralysis

Bio: Eric is an Iraq War veteran.  On Valentine’s Day 2016, he was in a motorcycle accident in which he sustained significant injuries. His hand as well as portions of his right arm were paralyzed and his spine has been fused to protect two broken vertebra. The nerve damage caused by the crash remains a challenge.Since the accident, Eric has had two major surgeries, in May of 2017, Eric was introduced to CAF and everything started to change. Up to that point, depression had curtailed his desire to be active and he gained 50 pounds.  With CAF’s support, Eric participated in his first triathlon in October 2017 and 2018.

Memorial Day 2018 he began his next chapter in recovery, CrossFit. His first Adaptive CrossFit competition was the Wodapalooza online challenge, having placed 36th of 92 in his division, he qualified to compete at the Wodapalooza Festival in Miami Jan 2019. He placed 5th at one of the largest fitness competitions which hosted over 1500 competitors from all over the world.  He is currently coaching both able bodied and Adaptive athletes in CrossFit and is continuing to compete as an Adaptive CrossFit competitor .

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