Kenbe Rogers
Physical Challenge: Amputee, Single Below Knee
Hometown: Nashville, TN

Kenbe is 10 years old. He was born in Haiti one month after the 2010 earthquake that killed over 200,000 people. His birth mother lost her home in the quake and when Kenbe was born missing his left fibula and suffering a deformity of his leg as a result, she knew she could not care for him and left him at an orphanage.

Kenbe’s adoptive family brought him to the USA on a medical visa when he was 13 months old so he could have surgery that would enable him to use a prosthesis. He was adopted into his “forever family” when he was three years old.

Kenbe is extremely active and enjoys running track, long jumping, and playing basketball and soccer. He also participates in equine therapy program and was recognized in 2018 as the PATH International Youth Equestrian of the Year. PATH is the professional organization for therapeutic horseback riding. Kenbe’s experience in track and field is summarized above in this application. He aspires to compete at a national level in sprints and long jump.


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