We believe in transparency. Our commitment to CAF stakeholders, partners, and the overall community is to provide the greatest impact, stay true to our mission, and remain accountable throughout all initiatives.
"Over the past 30 years, I have seen individuals face some of life’s most difficult circumstances and find their way to a place of joy and hope; however, that journey to fulfillment can only happen with opportunity, and that is where the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) has played a vital role. It is why we exist.” – Jeffrey Essakow, Board President and CAF-Co-Founder
Our commitment to CAF stakeholders, partners, and overall community is to provide the greatest impact, stay true to our mission and remain accountable throughout all initiatives.
Since 1994, over $178 million has been raised and more than 48,000 funding requests from challenged athletes in all 50 states and over 70 countries supporting 103 different sports have been satisfied. CAF's outreach efforts reach another 200,000 individuals each year. Whether it's funding for a handcycle, helping underwrite a carbon fiber running prosthetic foot not covered by insurance, or making the introduction to a mentor who has triumphed over a similar challenge, CAF provides those with the desire to live active, athletic lifestyles every opportunity to compete in sports and physical activities.